
1. 2013-2015:

Ayman Diab The principal Investigator of the project “Establishment of Technology and Innovation Commercialization Office at MSA University and fostering research innovation in 6th October city”. The Project is funded by the Academy for Scientific Research and Technology – Ministry of Higher Education. Awarded Fund is 700,000 L.E.

2. 2012-2015 :

Amr Ageez Team member, De novo Sequencing and Assembly of the Egyptian Buffalo Genome. Research project funded by Science& Technology Development Fund (STDF), Minstery of Higher education. Awarded Fund is 2,644,320 L.E.

3. 2012- Present:

Amr Ageez Team member, Conservation and Utilization of Egyptian Wild Flora to Improve Salinity Tolerance in Cereals. Research project funded by Science& Technology Development Fund (STDF), Minstery of Higher education. Awarded Fund is 3,000,000L.E.

4. 2012-2015 :

Amr Ageez Team member, Development of functional markers through association analysis of candidate genes for drought tolerance in barley. Research project funded by Science & Technology Development Fund (STDF), Minstery of Higher education. Awarded Fund is 1,000,000L.E.

5. 2011-2013:

Ayman Diab The co-principal Investigator of the project “Development of marker assistant selection system for Net blotch resistance in barely”. The Project is funded by the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) – Academy for Scientific Research and Technology – Ministry of Higher Education. Awarded Fund is 960,000 L.E.

6. 2010-2014 :

Amr Ageez Personal Investigator, of Development and enhancement of butanol production in E. coli. Research project funded by Science & Technology Development Fund (STDF), Minstery of Higher education Awarded Fund is 1,000,000 L.E.

7. 2009-2011:

Ayman Diab The principal Investigator of the project “Genomics in the service of Durum Wheat Breeding: Development of Cultivars with High Water Use Efficiency in Egypt”. The Project is funded by the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) – Academy for Scientific Research and Technology – Ministry of Higher Education. Awarded Fund is 1,000,000 L.E.

8. 2005-2008:

Ayman Diab Team member of the project “Structural and Functional Genomic Analysis of Some Economical Important Crops in Egypt”. The project is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture- Egypt. Awarded fund is 3,750,000 L.E.

9. 2009-2011 :

Amr Ageez Team member, Identification of Stress-Related Genes from Rice Using Microarray Technology. Research project funded by Science& Technology Development Fund (STDF), Minstery of Higher education. Awarded Fund is 1,000,000L.E.

10. 2007-2009:

Osama Saad Team member “Identifying important genes controlling fiber development in cotton (Gossypium sp.) using high throughput genome technology.” Collaborative joint project with Prof. Jeffrey Z. Chen, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA. Through the USAID “Contract No. BIO9-005-

11. 2003-2007:

Osama Saad Co- principal Investigator of the project of “Genome analysis for commercial Egyptian cotton varieties (Gossypium barbadense L.)” that was funded by the Egyptian Government.

12. 2006:

Ali Diab The principal Investigator Selection of desert wild plants for the remediation of oil-polluted desert soil of Kuwait.(Funded by the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait.

13. 2006:

Ali Diab The principal Investigator .Detection of the contamination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the soil of Kuwait, with special reference to the carcinogenic PAH compounds. (Funded by the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait .

14. 2005:

Ali Diab The principal Investigator Biodegradation activities of aromatic hydrocarbon – degrading bacteria isolated from the polluted desert soil of Kuwait, and their application for the treatment of polluted sites.(Funded by the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait

15. 2004:

Ali Diab The principal Investigator Selective enumeration, characterization and activities of aromatic – degrading microorganisms.[Funded by the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait ].

16. 2003:

Ali Diab The principal Investigator Chemical and Microbiology evaluation of household (tap) and commercial bottled drinking water in Kuwait.[Funded by Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science ].

17. 2002:

Ali Diab The principal Investigator Enhancing the biodegradation of petroleum oil in the polluted desert of Kuwait, and its application in cleaning polluted sites, with an attempt to develop strategies that can be performed on emergency basis.[Funded by Kuwait Environmental Public Authority].

18. 1996:

Ali Diab The principal Investigator Studies on the Microbial contents of dust storms (Tooze) in the atmosphere of Kuwait in relation to allergic diseases and spoilage of Food materials.[Funded by Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science].

19. 1986-1990:

Ali Diab The principal Investigator Microbial Ecology of Petroleum – degraders in the Arabian Gulf water at Kuwait.[Funded by Kuwait Environmental Protection Council].

20. 1994:

Ali Diab The principal Investigator Effects and affects of desert plant roots anrhizosphere microorganisms by oil pollutants during the bioremediation of polluted deserts. [Funded by the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training – Kuwait].