The Faculty of Engineering at MSA University and the Architecture Cultural Committee, is inviting all the architecture students to attend “Contemporary Islamic Architecture in Historic Cairo” given by the expert Architecture Eng. Mohamed El Khatib!
Mr. El Khatib has Over 36 years of professional experience in the field of Architecture, urban, and environmental planning. He is skilled in professional work for local Egyptian and International agencies (USAID, GTZ, UNDP, Netherland’s embassy, Italian Cooperation, DANIDA, EEAA, TDA, GOPP, UDF, NUCA, SCA). He has worked extensively with different communities in Egypt and Middle East.
Mr. El Khatib has worked in the field of urban conservation and revitalization of historic areas and sustainable urban development projects including: development of Tal Al-Aqareb, Al Tiby and Al Mawardy deteriorated areas in Sayda Zaynab historic quarter in Cairo, urban regeneration of historic Cairo, urban revitalization of the surrounded area of Magra Al Oyoun (the historic aqueducts of Cairo), revitalization of Fustat and Ain Al-Sira historic area, Saqara archaeological site, as well as revitalization of the Mamluk Qarafa (the historic cemetery of Cairo).
In 1997, Mr Elkhatib establish EDG consulting company based on Cairo to serve both the private and public sector organizations.
EDG working group has built up a good reputation as a specialist in a multi-discipline project in the field of community development, environment planning, urban conservation and architecture.
This is an event that Architects shouldn’t miss!