Continuing the Biotechnology Faculty’s Vision for a Greener World
Empowering Tomorrow’s Eco-Warriors: Continuing the Biotechnology Faculty’s Vision for a Greener World!
The Faculty organised the industrial projects’ poster discussion day, inspired by a diverse series of activities including 9 Guest Speakers Sessions and 6 Supervised Field Trips. The event highlighted the brilliant work of 242 students, who had their first evaluation of their research projects through Poster Sessions.
The poster themes ranged between a total of 12 fields of biotechnology including Animal Feed (Livestock, Poultry, Fisheries), Food Processing, Mycology and Mycelium Applications, Cosmetics, DIY Technologies/ 3D Printing and the use of AI, Nanotechnology, Petroleum Biotechnology and Green Chemistry, and Water Recycling and Treatment.
The Mycology and Mycelium Applications field was offered for the 1st time this year. The students presented their research ideas and were evaluated for their ability to develop and deliver a research idea by 2 distinct examiners inside and outside the faculty. The event was an outstanding achievement from the industrial projects coordinator and marked an important milestone for our student’s educational journey.