Congratulations to all winners in the digital transformation competition
Within the framework of the strategies of October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) and the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the Faculty of Mass Communication to motivate students and honor those who have won local and international awards.
The Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the Faculty of Mass Communication honored the students and supervisors of the graduation project “Reviving Our Neighborhoods”, the winner of the local media and digital transformation competition in second place, and who also represented the October University for Modern Sciences and Arts in the celebration of the Ministry of Finance in Al-Fayoum Governorate.
In addition to honoring the students and supervisors of the graduation project “Renewed Villages”, which won the second prize at the Arab level in the media and digital transformation competition, and the graduation project “Nobietk”, which won second place at the African level in the same competition. The department also celebrated its new members who obtained master’s and doctoral degrees.
The honoring ceremony was held under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Amani Fahmy, Dean of the Faculty.
Congratulations to all winners.
With our heartfelt wishes for more success and excellence to all MSA students, graduates and faculty members.