Bioequivalence Center 1

Quality Assurance System

Quality Assurance Unit ensures that studies are performed in accordance with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)-Good Clinical Practices (GCP) regulations and through in house procedures. Also, it is responsible for document controlling of study protocols, analysis plans, SOPs & policies; and ensuring the updated versions of these controlled documents are effective and in place or accessible to relevant staff. QA unit is responsible for regular auditing which include:

  • Study source documentation, procedures, and reports; and provide regulatory advice and support to the operational staff.
  • Facility & system, to check adequacy & eligibility of resources and proper utilization of provisions.


  • Center Manager: Dr. Dina Karam Sayed
  • Technical Manager: Dr. May Amin.
  • Quality Assurance Manager: Dr. Aya Badr.
  • Chief Analyst
  • Analysts
  • Physician
  • Nurse

Bioequivalence Center - Contacts

  • 26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City. Egypt.
  • Tel. : (+202) 38371534-5-7/ Ext: 5146
  • Hotline : 16672
  • Center Manager: Dr. Dina Karam +0201129801960
  • QA Manager: Dr. Aya Badr +0201112006907

MSA Repository (MSAR)