Our awesome & amazing students from different levels participated in this huge successful event,The third scientific day of analytical chemistry department- faculty of pharmacy under the title of ” because your health matters, analysts care” The event included flyers on …
Take a look on our amazing level 1 and 3 pharmacy students as they show the fruit of their labour in the organic Chemistry fair in collaboration with pharmacognosy department. As they present When atoms and herbs meet what could …
According to the Egyptian state vision 2030 for treatment and prevention of communicable diseases and as a part of the community service role of the MSA University, The Faculty of Pharmacy has organized an event entitled “Antimicrobial Resistance: Warning Alert!!!” …
Faculty of Pharmacy gladly announce the great success of the 58th annual conference of the Egyptian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ESPET) under the title of “New trends in Pharmacology”. The conference was held on Saturday 20th April 2019, …
What an Amazing photo day for Biotechnology, Pharmacy & Dentistry You are all special & MSA University is truly proud of what you became in the time you spent around campus creating unique memories single place of the University, We …
Our amazing pharmacy students are always up for a challenge to astonish the world with their success. As a part of the creative recognition of the students in the Egyptian universities, our amazing Pharmacy students of outstanding graduation projects were …
We are proud to announce that our amazing Associate Professor Dr. Yassin Nissan, Head of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department at Faculty of Pharmacy presented a lecture it the 6th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference & Expo Life Sciences, Pharma & Biomedicine. Entitled “Heterocyclic …
In the framework of international cooperation between the world health organization simulation models, the world health organization simulation model (Sheff WHO) at Sheffield University, London has invited the MSA academic advisor of the world health organization simulation model (MSA MWHO) …
MSA University’s Pharmacy students where honored In the conference of Akhbar Al Youm and Cairo University in its second session under the title (Education in Egypt – Challenges and Prospects for Success) The conference was held on March 4, 2019, …
Dr. Nawal El-Degwi the director of the board of trustees, Prof. Khairy Abdel Hamid the university president and Prof. Hanan El Laithy the dean of the faculty of pharmacy, honored the Pharmacy students who received two awards at the Dubai …