In the framework of international cooperation between the world health organization simulation models, the world health organization simulation model (Sheff WHO) at Sheffield University, London has invited the MSA academic advisor of the world health organization simulation model (MSA MWHO) …
MSA University’s Pharmacy students where honored In the conference of Akhbar Al Youm and Cairo University in its second session under the title (Education in Egypt – Challenges and Prospects for Success) The conference was held on March 4, 2019, …
Dr. Nawal El-Degwi the director of the board of trustees, Prof. Khairy Abdel Hamid the university president and Prof. Hanan El Laithy the dean of the faculty of pharmacy, honored the Pharmacy students who received two awards at the Dubai …
According to Egypt Vision 2030 for sustainable development, the College of Pharmacy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) is keen on maximizing the use of scientific research and its outputs. Therefore, reducing waste and waste products with the …