Projects ready to be implemented to serve national projects and participate actively in the implementation of future plans for development and a quantum leap in quality and innovations of unprecedented students from the Faculty of Arts and Design at MSA …
Faculty of Pharmacy gladly announce the great success of the 58th annual conference of the Egyptian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ESPET) under the title of “New trends in Pharmacology”. The conference was held on Saturday 20th April 2019, …
A huge success for the students’ 5th edition of “Biotechnology Horizons 2050” the conference of the Complex Genome Analysis course with the attendance of 253 students, staff and visitors where everyone enjoyed a scientific presentations and discussions, with the presence …
The Stock Market Simulation is a student activity that is organized by the Faculty of Management Sciences and it includes both the simulation of the stock market and insightful preceding sessions. Students participating are divided into investors, brokers, banks, and …
The Faculty of Management Sciences held an important graduate attributes event. The faculty invited Dr. Salma Soliman who is one of the Faculty of Management Sciences’ graduates major Marketing and International Business as a guest speaker Dr. Salma is now …
In the spirit of closer relations with African nations, MSA University organized a book fair under the title “Africa Shines” on April 15, 2019. With the support of Professor Dr. Nawal Al-Degwi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of MSA, …
The Faculty of Mass Communication welcomes a distinguished delegation from The National Authority to ensure the quality of education and accreditation (NAQAAE): Dr. Tarek Fayed (Chairman of the visit delegation)Dr. Sherif Abdel Majid Amin Mazen (Coordinator of the NAQAAE)And the …
The Faculty of Languages took part in the Year of Change Event organized by MSA Internal Communications to expand the appreciation and integrity shared among MSA dedicated Faculty & Staff members. It was a celebration of success and achievements where …
What an Amazing photo day for Biotechnology, Pharmacy & Dentistry You are all special & MSA University is truly proud of what you became in the time you spent around campus creating unique memories single place of the University, We …
Our amazing pharmacy students are always up for a challenge to astonish the world with their success. As a part of the creative recognition of the students in the Egyptian universities, our amazing Pharmacy students of outstanding graduation projects were …