According to the World Health Organisation & the Egyptian National Cancer Centre 34% of Egyptian Women suffer from Breast Cancer. On the 28th of Oct 2019… MSA University and the Faculty of Biotechnology supported the breast cancer awareness cause and …
MSA University Congratulates our amazing, talented & astonishing Architecture Engineering Graduates who achieved 2nd and 3rd place after competing with 190 applicants from 44 Different Countries in The Rifat Chadirji Prize 2019 – Barjeel Museum For Modern Arab Art In …
Happening now …. Active participation and intensive activity in the booth of October University for Modern Sciences and Arts – MSA University at the 6th Cairo International Exhibition for Innovation held at the Center for International Conferences and Exhibitions from …
Breast Cancer is one of the most prevalent cancer malignancies in Egypt. For October, the official awareness month, The Faculty of Biotechnology organized an awareness campaign for the 4th time on the early detection and prevention of Breast Cancer. Interestingly, …
Computer Science inverts the normal. In normal science, you’re given a world, and your job is to find out the rules. In computer science, you give the computer the rules, and it creates the world. CS faculty introduced a marvelous …
In light of the academic and intellectual accomplishments of the Faculty of Biotechnology’s students and staff, the Faculty organized a very special Awards Ceremony to acknowledge and celebrate those distinguished successes. On Monday 21st of Octiber, the Faculty celebrated student …
MSA the only University shared in CWW 2019 Cairo Water Week 2019 Under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, President of the Republic, the activities of Cairo Week were launched in its second edition under the slogan “Responding …
Our Talented MSA fashion students with Elena Ryleeva, EWST fashionlab – fashion design training & research studio Founder are creating fashionable art through draping skills in the “Draping principles” workshop
As part of the practical and field training for students of the Faculty of Biotechnology, MSA University, students enrolled in the (Host Plant Resistance) course visited the “Seed Processing Station” of Fine Seed International company in Sadat city. During the …
Our amazing and wonderful students of the Faculty of Biotechnology visited the oldest and greatest sources of knowledge in history, which was developed by Alexander the Great and carried out by Ptolemy I and Ptolemy II, a library overlooking the …