Arts & Design first annual scientific and artistic conference
Faculty of Arts and Design, MSA University, is on the highlights of the artistic and industrial platforms in its first artistic and scientific conference. Faculty of Arts and Design had held its first annual scientific and artistic conference on Saturday, 25/12/2021, in the presence of a group of industrialists, businessmen, factory owners, advertising agencies and partners from government agencies, led by The Industrial Modernization Centre (IMC) and The Chamber Of Wood Working & Furniture Industries – (CWWFI).
The conference started with a speech by Prof. Dr. Khairy Abdel Hamid, President of the University, explaining the achievements of the Faculty of Arts and Design since its establishment until now. Prof. Tariq Saleh, Dean of the College, also presented the college’s vision and mission, its governing values, and features of the faculty’s strategic plan and the various academic activities that the faculty is supervising. The conference also witnessed the presentation of some of these activities and the awards that the students won in different fields, in addition to reviewing the history of the college and the philosophy of its establishment.
A group of faculty’s’ staff members, 28 member, was honored for obtaining their master’s and doctorate’s degrees during 2020 and 2021. Then, the faculty presented the best research papers that were published in the past two years. These papers were also published in the front row of some scientific magazines. These efforts clarify and confirm the faculty’s interest in the scientific research and keeping pace with the age, specifically the United Nations sustainable development strategy and Egypt’s 2030 plan for the development of the Egyptian products in parallel with the Egyptian state’s ambition to export.
On the margins of the conference, a group of qualitative exhibitions was inaugurated in each of the four majors of the college, in the presence of Dr. Nawal Al-Dajwi, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees.
One of these exhibitions was concerned with packaging design, so the college presented the production of distinguished students who participated in many competitions and won first places in them at the regional and local levels.
Another exhibition was specialized in photography and processing photographs for advertisements, and everyone was impressed by the students’ production, especially the first year students ones in this major.
Another exhibition focused on the interior design, especially the legacy of the architect / Hassan Fathy through a cultural center designed for the city of Luxor, in addition to Dr. / Karam Abdullah’s displaying to her distinctive designs in this field.
Last exhibition was concerned with displaying the outstanding models of the graduation projects for the students in all the faculty’s departments.
Four other seminars were held for the four majors in the faculty , in the presence of a group of experts and specialists who were briefed on the college’s academic regulations, and the attendees from the agencies that hire our graduates. Thus, their opinions were surveyed and a set of recommendations was developed and will be announced soon.
The conference received lots of positive reactions from the attendees of all fields. We sincerely congratulate the students and the staff members of the faculty of Arts and Design, with our heartfelt wishes for further success and excellence.