Arab Student StarPack 2020-2021
As a part of its keenness to honor its students and staff members, the Faculty of Art and Design held a special ceremony to honor the winning students from the Graphic and Media Arts Department in the Arab Student StarPack competition for two years, 2020 and 2021.
The department’s students were able to win advanced positions over the two years, as they won five advanced places in the fourth edition of the competition 2020, and in the fifth edition of the competition 2021, they won all the first places in all sections of the competition at the level of Egyptian universities and won all the “Save the food” sector awards as well as winning first place in the Middle East in the “Visual Design Packaging” sector.
Prof. Dr. Tarek Saleh, Dean of the Faculty, and Prof. Dr. Dina Abboud, Head of the Graphic and Media Arts Department, hosted the celebration guests, Eng. Ahmed Gaber, Head of the Printing and Packaging Chamber at the Federation of Egyptian Industries, and Ms. Soha Atallah, Vice President of the World Packaging Organization and Head of the Lebanese Packaging Organization organizing the competition, who attended the ceremony through Zoom Online and Eng. Ahmed Saber, representing Delta Trading Company, agent of ESCO International, one of the largest manufacturers of specialized packaging software.
The ceremony was also attended by representatives of the Industrial Modernization Center, Eng. Hisham Pasha, Eng. Ahmed Hossam, and the students who won the competition over two years, along with a group of parents, doctors, Faculty and university students. Prof. Dr. Khairy Abdel Hamid, President of the University, delivered a recorded speech in which he welcomed the guests and praised the efficiency and success of the students in obtaining first places over the two years and encouraged them to excel in creativity.
In addition, another speech was delivered by Eng. Ahmed Gaber, Head of the Egyptian Printing and Packaging Chamber, who praised the level of performance and designs of students and the apparent development in the level of designs and innovative ideas across the two versions of the competition, encouraging the dissemination of these designs in the Egyptian packaging market to benefit from them.
Moreover, Professor Soha Atallah also praised the level of designs presented in the competition by university students, especially that the level of competition is more than a year and that the fifth edition was attended by 647 students across ten Arab countries, and she expressed her happiness with the seriousness of participating in the competition and that the level of designs and ideas has developed a remarkable development in the last competition, where the university students occupied all the first positions, inviting them to participate in the global competition organized by the World Packaging Organization for the year 2021, where it exposes them to have great chances of achieving advanced positions.
Additionally, Eng. Ahmed Saber praised the strength and diversity of the projects presented in the competition, with the announcement of a gesture of cooperation between the faculty and the company in the field of training for students by organizing specialized training programs in the field of packaging for students and faculty members.
Finally, The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design Dr. Tarek Saleh honored Eng. Ahmed Gaber by gifting him the university shield, as well as Eng. Ahmed Saber for his great effort in cooperation with the Faculty during the last period. Then he distributed certificates of appreciation to the working team of faculty members represented by Dr. Ahmed Attia, who is responsible for the material and for organizing the participation in the competition over the past two years, as well as the team of assistants lecturers Mona Imam, Duaa El-Demerdash, Mina Zakaria, Shamia Sherbini and Marian Magdi. Furthermore, the winners of the competition were also honored.
The 2020 competition, where the students were honored as follows:-
Smart waste category
– Farah Khaled Ibrahim won second place in the Middle East.
Save the food category
– Nada Bakkar won the first place, while Farida Amr Mohamed won the third place.
Structural packaging category
– Nouran Tarek Turk won the second place and Marian Magdy won the third place.
In the 2021 competition, the students were honored as follows:-
Visual packaging category
– Menna Talaat Zakaria won the first place and Malak Rifai in the third place.
Structural packaging category
– Menna Talaat Zakaria won first place.
Where the university students won all the positions, namely (Save the food category):-
First place: Nada Safwat Tawfik.
Second place: Manal Omar Ahmed.
Third place: Rana Osama Al-Baili.
Congratulations to the Faculty of Arts and Design and all the best wishes and congratulations to the students. We wish more success and excellence to all students and graduates of the university in all local and international competitions.