Aflatoxin toxins in Tahini Products
MSA University and the Faculty of Biotechnology would love to congratulate its astonishing graduate Hana Tarek El Badry, a researcher and a patent assistant at Talal Abu- Ghazala Intellectual Property Company, for getting her nutritional research “Aflatoxin toxins in Tahini Products” published in one of the largest food magazines in England.
This research was chosen for publication among hundreds of research for its importance on the world level in one of the largest scientific journals in England specialized in food “The Journal of Food Composition and Analysis” by Elsevier Publishing House, which is classified in the first category Q1 in the specialty of food contaminants after its revision in the largest printing house in England.
It is worth noting that the Faculty of Biotechnology at MSA University classified this project as one of the most important graduation projects at the University as this project was conducted in the central laboratory for pesticide residues in Dokki in light of conducting research with an actual application, advancing Egyptian agriculture and preserving the health of the Egyptian citizen.
This topic has received wide media coverage and distinguished press, and was issued by a large number of websites such as: