A premier event with the production designer “Mohamed Attia”
The Faculty of Arts and Design at MSA University hosted a premier event with the production designer
Mohamed Attia, the name that rolls out in the credits of many iconic films.
On the 14th of December, the production designer Eng. Attia shared and debated his vision with the arts and design students and staff members along with his professional architecture background and its reflections on his cinematic approaches. Not to mention, the great interpretation over his exemplary works, like marvelous Sphinx Avenue road, the Mummies Royal Parade, and his astonishing films and works.
Eng. Mohamed Attia also provided the students with starting tips in their careers and welcomed a futuristic tour for our students on the plateau.
Simultaneously, the Faculty of Arts and Design’ dean, Prof. Tarek Saleh honored him with the MSA’s honor shield for his outstanding designs in the field of production design.
To follow Eng. Mohamed Attia: