An insightful field trip to Al-Baraka Factory
As part of its commitment to integrating practical learning with academic curricula, the Faculty of Biotechnology at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) organized an educational field trip to Al-Baraka Factory, the producer of the renowned “Badi” dairy products.
The visit offered students an in-depth exploration of the factory’s production lines, showcasing various stages of milk processing and the production of yogurt and different types of cheese. Students gained valuable insights into storage and treatment techniques, as well as the laboratory processes involved in ensuring the highest quality standards. They observed essential practices such as equipment cleaning, sterilization protocols, and compliance with mandatory hygiene standards. The team also learned how product components are analyzed to meet the Egyptian quality specifications.
This field trip is part of the faculty’s efforts to prepare skilled graduates capable of addressing the demands of the job market while keeping pace with technological advancements in biotechnology. It underscored the pivotal role of biotechnology in transforming the food industry, improving productivity, and ensuring quality.