The programme provides opportunities for students to achieve the following outcomes:
A. Knowledge and understanding of:
The graduates of Biotechnology programme should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
A.1. Core and associated sciences related to biotechnology.
A.2. Fundamentals of biotechnological practices.
A.3. Value of biotechnological applications on quality of life and the involved risks and biohazards.
A.4. Lifelong and self-learning strategies for continuous improvement.
A.5. Ethical, legal, and social issues associated with biotechnology.
A.6. Strategies of digital learning and basics of programming.
A.7. Global and cultural diversity issues in accordance with biotechnology.
A.8. Basis of general and bio-statistics.
The programme provides opportunities for students to develop the following skills:
B. Intellectual skills (Cognitive Skills)
The graduates of Biotechnology programme should be able to:
B.1. Assess and evaluate the impact of biotechnological applications on quality of life.
B.2. Interpret data from different biotechnological disciplines and synthesize creative solutions.
B.3. Evaluate biotechnological products, in field and/or laboratories, with reference to standards.
B.4. Formulate hypotheses, and design scientific experiment in the field of biotechnology.
B.5. Formulate goals and objectives, utilizing biotechnological information and data, for quality planning.
B.6. Use innovative and creative problem-solving approaches in multi-disciplinary situational analysis.
C. Subject practical skills (Professional Skills)
The graduates of Biotechnology programme should be able to:
C.1.Employ the theoretical knowledge and skills in practices in different biotechnological domains.
C.2.Operate and maintain equipment with reference to standards.
C.3.Perform biotechnological techniques safely in sterilized environment.
C.4.Use molecular biology and genetic engineering procedures and techniques according to standards.
C.5.Monitor, Retrieve, Categorize, analyse and evaluate relevant data from literature, using information technology, bioinformatics and library resources.
D. Transferable/key skills (Communication Skills)
The graduates of Biotechnology program should be able to:
D.1. Communicate effectively using variety of media, with fluent discussion.
D.2. Collaborate effectively within team and set priorities.
D.3. Demonstrate effective time and resources management.
D.4. Demonstrate skills for lifelong learning, self-learning and self-evaluation.
D.5. Adopt a creative attitude in an ethical and scientific approach.
D.6. Use software and digital data-basis effectively.