entrepreneurship club


The MSAEHUB aims to promote creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in the various sectors that fall within the interests and disciplines of the University of October for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) to support and encourage students to set up small business models that will be the starting point for successful entrepreneurship.


Turning to a regional center in the field of technological innovation and entrepreneurship.


The Center works to promote the knowledge-based entrepreneurship economy by supporting creativity and innovation to establish and manage business and provide their owners with the expertise, skills and information to improve and develop their ideas, enhance their competitiveness and build an effective communication network.


1. Enhancing the applied method of university education and supporting the shift towards productive programs. (Curriculum and extra curriculum components)
2. Encourage innovation and creativity in business that is compatible with the requirements of development plans (Innovation Center-Prototype Unit)
3. To contribute to the preparation of a distinguished generation of future businessmen who contribute positively to support the national economy.
4. Preparing professional competencies in the fields of knowledge economics. (Training)
5. Promote the principle of partnership with the private sector to contribute to the transformation of ideas into projects. (Partnership)
6. Encouraging students to practice entrepreneurship and adopt pioneering thinking (Encourage, Brain Storming, Group work)
7. Preparation of studies and research that contribute to support the university’s strategy towards global leadership. (R & D)
8. Continuous communication with scientific and governmental bodies and business sectors in the field of entrepreneurship (Business Relations)

Center of Excellence

MSA Repository (MSAR)

Central Research Laboratory