CS Graduation Projects 2020
In the Age of AI, Today is a technological rise.
Faculty of Computer Science, MSA University celebrates the graduation of bringing new scientists and programmers to the world and Egyptian society.
The students walked a long journey from learning basic sciences to the most advanced techniques in the field and they decided that will fight all circumstances to achieve this moment.
A glimpse of exceptional graduation projects that have been implemented by our distinguished students, using the Cutting Edge Technologies & Programming Languages:
- Machine Learning: Detection of HCV Based on Machine Learning & Face Aging Using Generative Adversarial Network
- 3D Visualization: Rigging Manager for Skeletal Mesh in a 3D environment, Smart Survivor Character In 3D Environment & Human Pose Manipulation for Synthetic Actors
- Quantum Computing: Modeling a Quantum Circuit
- Mobile Applications: A smart gym in your phone, A hybrid mobile application for Recycling Material & Smart Lost and Found Application For MSA University Using Machine Learning.
- Big Data & Data Analytics: Detection of HCV Based on Machine Learning, Data analytics and warehousing for the MSA E-learning system & Big Data solutions for a smarter Cairo
- Point of Sale system: ESI Soft Point of Sale System
- Traffic routing Applications : ECO Route & Ride-Sharing and Planning System
- E-commerce mobile Apps: Dental cart Application.
- Computer Vision: An app for blind people identifies and reads out Kitchen objects in their surroundings.
- Recommendation systems: Smart filtration, Scoring & ranking system for CVs.