Pharmacists In Frontlines: New Challenges and Innovative Solutions
The Faculty of Pharmacy at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts organized its international two days conference under the title of “Pharmacists In Frontlines: New Challenges and Innovative Solutions”.
All medical challenges facing the globe nowadays with special emphasis on COVID-19 pandemic were explored by distinguished elite international scientists from United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, World Health Organization and Egypt.
The conference was enriched by the participation of AstraZeneca and Rameda pharmaceutical companies from the industrial sector. In line with Egypt’s vision 2030 for technological applications, the conference devoted a group of lectures by the global Huawei company to highlight the applications of artificial intelligence in health care systems.
On the sidelines of the conference, a number of specialized workshops were held in which Schrodinger, the international company for drug discovery, delivered a workshop using computational technologies. Along with other advanced workshops in OMICs technologies, stem cells, RNA sequencing, quality by design and gene therapy.
The conference received international recognition from many participants attending from all over Germany, United States of America, United Kingdom, Malta, India, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Kuwait and Syria.