The first step for media reformation
MSA’s Mass Communication faculty launches its first step for media reformation
In light of MSA’s “Year of Change”, the faculty of Mass Communication held its first step towards presenting new approaches to media education through the “New Trends in media Education” Seminar.
The seminar featured the key note speaker Dr. Amal Gaber; associate professor at Wisconsin University of USA, and Media professor, Samy Abel Aziz; head of the media curricula sector committee. Both of whom have brought forward modern approaches and perspectives to the media curricula in media universities in Egypt, emphasizing on the American and British schools.
During the thought provoking session, a number of key questions and points of concern were raised by the esteemed deans and departments leaders from various mass communication faculties who have made it a point to scrutinize the potentials of media faculties in Egypt to adopt the discussed developments.
Worth noting; MSA’ faculty of Mass Communication stood out as a successful model having been applying such methods through its partnership with the universities of UK for over 15 years.
Such successful experience was able to reap its fruits quickly through preparing a set of recommendations to be published and forwarded to prof. Abdel Aziz as a guiding map for the forseen development in media education.