Several prizes for creativity in the Media and Digital Transformation Foundation competition
Students and Staff Members of the Faculty of Mass Communication at MSA University won several prizes for creativity in the Media and Digital Transformation Foundation competition under the supervision of the great journalist, Mr. Abdel-Gawad Abu Kab, Chairman of the Foundation Board of Trustees.
“Fit in” magazine won the first prize as the best project among the English-language journalism projects at the local competition under the supervision of Dr Hala ElZahed.
The Public Relations Department won three different awards, which are:
- The Renewable Villages Project won second place in the department of public relations and advertising in the Arab competition under the supervision of Dr Eman Zahra.
- Reviving Our Neighborhoods Project, whose amazing song won second place in the TV category in the local competition under the supervision of Dr Rania Shaaban.
- Nobietk project also ranked second in the category of public relations and advertising in the African competition under the supervision of Dr Hayat Badr.
In addition, Dr Mary Habeeb, a Staff Member, won third place in the Research and Scientific Studies Competition under the title: The Impact of Television Series on the Social Capital of Egyptian Youth.
Congratulations to the Faculty of Mass Communication…With our heartfelt wishes for continued success and excellence to all students, graduates and staff members of all faculties at MSA University.