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Biotechnology @ "Symposium of Unique life (SOUL) 2014"

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Biotechnology @ "Symposium of Unique life (SOUL) 2014"

Saleh Naggar Ahmed was awarded first place for his project in the "Symposium of Unique life (SOUL) 2014" which was held on Saturday, the 22nd of March. SOUL is under the patronage of the National Research center (NRC) and the Ministry of youth affairs which is part of the "Centre of Civic Education" , at El Zamalek. Saleh presented "Pretreatment of Agriculture Waste for production of Solid Fuel". He competed against several student such as Zuwail University, MUST University , Cairo University, Ain Shams university and many others.

-- Five students from the faculty of Biotechnology presented The students excelled and showed us what we invested in science and knowledge in them was not in vain, making us extremely proud. • These are the lists of students with their project topics that participated with the oral presentations in the Biotechnology Symposium: 01 - Nagwa Ahmed Zein presented her team (Fatima Yafie, Maie El-Sebaie, Mariam Adel, Hoda El-Essawy) -"CCM-HSA-NPs Targeting Amyloid Plaques as a Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease" (Medical) 02 - Amr Ehab Farouk Presented his team (Mohie El Din Mahmoud, Mostafa Samir, Yasmein El Sayd , Diandra Gharabawy, Josephine George) - "Genetic pro-filtration of Crystals for action ability in Brown Dog Tick, a potential in Agriculture" (Agricultural) 03 - Hanzada Ehab Al-Mathana - "Regeneration of Epithelial Stem Cells in Damaged Rats Retina" (Medical) 04 - Lydia Ami Yacoub - "The Detection of the CAX1 Gene Which Plays a Key Role in Calcium Homeostasis in Plant During Abiotic Stresses" (Agricultural) 05 - Saleh Naggar Ahmed "Pretreatment of Agriculture Waste for Production of Solid Fuel" (Environmental) The Faculty of Biotechnology is extremely proud of Saleh for his achievement along with the other students for doing a remarkable job in representing our University.