Assessment & Progression

Note: MSA University has the right to change the admission rules and regulations according to the internal policies of the university with the coordination and approval of the Ministry of Higher Education.

MSA University - Assessment & Progression

1. MSA Grading System:


  • The minimum grade for passing any module is D in faculties of Management, Computer Science, and Engineering
  • The minimum grade for passing any module in faculties of Biotechnology and Pharmacy is C except Computer and English modules where minimum grade for passing is D.

MSA Modules Grading Scheme for faculties of Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Computer Science, Management Sciences, Languages, Arts and Design, and Mass communication. 


Letter Grade Indicative % mark
A ≥90
A- ≥  85 & <90
B+ ≥  80 & <85
B ≥75 & <80
B- ≥  70 & <75
C+ ≥  65 & <70
C ≥  60 & <65
C- ≥  56 & <60
D+ ≥  53 & <56
D ≥  50 & <53
Fail <50


MSA Modules Grading Scheme for faculty of Engineering:


Letter Grade Mark
A ≥ 93
A- ≥ 89 & <93
B+ ≥ 84 & <89
B ≥ 80 & <84
B- ≥ 76 & <80
C+ ≥ 73 & <76
C ≥ 70 & <73
C- ≥ 67 & <70
D+ ≥ 64 & <67
D ≥ 60 & <64
(F) Fail <60


MSA Modules Grading Scheme for faculty of Physical Therapy:


Letter Grade Indicative % mark
A > 90
A- ≥ 88 & < 90
B+ ≥ 85 & < 88
B ≥ 80 & < 85
B- ≥ 75 & < 80
C+ ≥ 70 & < 75
C ≥ 65 & < 70
C- ≥ 60 & < 65
(F) Fail <60


MSA Modules Grading Scheme for faculty of Dentistry:


Letter Grade Indicative % mark
A > 90
A- ≥ 85 & < 90
B+ ≥ 80 & < 85
B ≥ 75 & < 80
B- ≥72.5 & < 75
C+ ≥ 70 & < 72.5
C ≥ 67.5 & < 70
C- ≥ 65 & < 67.5
D ≥ 60 & < 65
(F) Fail < 60
2. Schedule Assessment:


There are five main periods of assessment during the academic year:


  • In the middle of the Fall Semester.
  • At the end of the Fall Semester.
  • In the middle of the Spring Semester.
  • At the end of the Spring Semester.
  • At the end of the Summer Semester (Optional).

2.1 The Structure of the Assessment Boards:

University Assessment Board (where awards are ratified):

  • Chair: appointed by Collaborative University.
  • Members: MSA President, Vice President, External Examiners, Link Tutors, Director of Quality Assurance, Faculty Deans, Programme leaders.
  • Secretary: Appointed by Chair.

Faculty Assessment Board (where module results are agreed):

  • Chair: Dean of Faculty.
  • Members: Link tutors, External Examiners, Programme Leaders and Module Coordinator/Leaders.
  • Secretary: Appointed by Chair.

2.2 Academic Load:

The academic load is the number of registered credits per student each semester.

3. Grade Point:


The corresponding Grade Point (GP) for each letter grade for faculties of Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Computer Science, Management Sciences, Languages, Arts and Design, and Mass communication


Letter Grade GPA
A 4
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1
Fail 0


The corresponding Grade Point (GP) for each letter grade for faculty of Engineering:


Letter Grade GPA
A 4
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1
Fail 0



The corresponding Grade Point (GP) for each letter grade for faculty of Physical Therapy:


Letter Grade GPA
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2
C- 1.67
Fail 0



The corresponding Grade Point (GP) for each letter grade for faculty of Dentistry:


Letter Grade GPA
A 4.00
A- 3.7
B+ 3.4
B 3
B- 2.9
C+ 2.7
C 2.5
C- 2.3
D 2
Fail 0.00


3.1 Grade Point Average:

Credits acquired by the student are based on the credits of the passed modules from the academic load registered. Repeated modules will be counted once toward the calculation of accumulated credit hours. The best achieved GP will be used for calculating the cumulative GPA. The cumulative GPA calculation starts from the first semester for each student and is updated each semester till his/her graduation. The semester GPA of the student is the weighted average of the grade points acquired in the modules passed in that specific semester. It is calculated as follows: Semester GPA =
Sum of the product of the number of credit hours of each Module in the current semester load X the corresponding GP.
= Σ (Number of credit hours of each module in the current semester load X corresponding GP).
The number of credits used to calculate the Cumulative GPA is the number of credits registered by the student up to this date. Cumulative GPA =
Sum of the product of the number of credit hours of each Module registered up to this date X the corresponding GP.
= Σ (Number of credit hours of each Module registered up to this date X corresponding GP).
Total Credits registered up to this date

*Excluding pass-fail Modules credit and transferred Modules from Universities other than MSA. Grades that are not included in the grade point average are as follows: (P) Pass, (I )Incomplete, (W) Withdrawal.
3.2 BA/BSc Students:

National Grading for All Faculties except Faculty of Dentistry:


National Grading Classes MSA CGPA
Excellent ≥ 3.67 & ≤ 4
Very Good ≥ 3 & < 3.67
Good ≥ 2.33 & < 3
Satisfactory ≥ 2 & < 2.33

National Grading for Faculty of Dentistry:


National Grading Classes MSA CGPA
Excellent ≥ 3.7 & ≤ 4
Very Good ≥ 3 & < 3.7
Good ≥ 2.3 & < 3
Satisfactory ≥ 2 & < 2.3

UoG Grading for faculties of Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Computer Sciences, and Management

Grade Letters UK CGPA UoG Classes
A, A- ≥ 3.67 & ≤ 4 1st Class Honor
B, B+ ≥ 3 & < 3.67 Upper Second Class Honor (2:1)
B- , C+ ≥ 2.33 & < 3 Lower Second Class Honor (2:2)
C ≥ 2 & < 2.33 3rd Class Honor
MSA CGPA is calculated as per the students entire profile while UoB/UoG CGPA is calculated as per the last two academic years.
4. Progression of Students:


Progression is determined by the number of credit hours completed by students as specified by each faculty.


4.1 Graduation:
Students shall automatically receive the award of the university and be qualified upon completion of the required number of credits with a CGPA equivalent to (2) or above at the end of the semester.

4.2 Failing a Module:
Students must meet the deadline for submission of all coursework in accordance with the requirements of the university. A student is deemed to have failed in the following cases:

  • (F1): Applies to students who fail to attend at least 75% of all lectures and tutorials.
  • (F2): Applies to students who fail to attend the final exam.
  • (F3): Applies to students who fail to achieve the approved minimum percentage in the exam paper. 25% for the faculties of (CS, MGT, MCOM, LANG, ARTS), while 30% for the faculties of (ENG, PHARMA, DENT, PT, BIO).
  • (Exemption): Applies to students who fail to attend the midterm exam, but will be allowed to complete the module and will lose all the marks of the midterm exams. Unless, those who present extenuating circumstances that are accepted by the university president and which will warrant the midterm grades to be added to the grades of the final exams.

4.3 Incomplete:
If a student fails to attend the final exam due to any emergency or extenuating circumstances, and the University President approves the non attendance, then an incomplete grade will be granted. Mid-term grade as well as course grades will be transferred to students with grade (I). Subsequently, the student will be allowed to sit for the final exam of this module at the next opportunity.

4.4 Progression and Repeat Policy:
Students may not repeat any course they have passed unless it is a requirement of an accreditation board or is crucial to the student's academic progression. Students who fail to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2 will be put under probation and will be allowed to repeat Modules with a grade of D+, D and F. The grade used in the final GPA is the final grade achieved by the student.