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Annual Mass Com Graduation Projects Festival

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Annual Mass Com Graduation Projects Festival

Faculty of Mass Communication at MSA, held its first annual Graduation Projects Festival which is witnessed by Dr Nawal El Degwi, Head of the Board of Trustees, Dr Khairy Abdel Hamid; MSA President, besides Dean of the Faculty of Mass Com. Dr Ebtessam El Gendy and Dr Kamal Abdel Aziz. A judging panel besides the faculty members who supervised these projects of Radio & TV Section, Journalism and Public Relations and Advertising also attended the Festival, in addition of public figures, Mass com experts and universities' professors. The Faculty of Mass Com will honour the graduation projects that are distinguished and add to its peripheral field.

"Cuft Village" (Old Coptic Language) by Haidi Mansour, won the first prize in Radio & TV Section. The project narrates the change and development of every day life of different cultures, over the ages. That change also affected the Old Coptic Language with what it means in our daily life and almost encrypted in the language. Haidi takes us to a small village called "Cuft" where the old language survived the development and it's still used in its old form that made it conveyed from one generation to the other. "Serapium Project" which was known as (Cattle's Grave) was presented by Sarah Nasr and it tells us about all the secrets and remains of the pharoanic civilization which is neglected in spite of its historic value and architectural innovation. The grave suffered from looting and robbing and is full of secrets and monumental values. Heba Mamdouh chose to talk about the "Nubian Kingdom" in her graduation project. Heba went down the very end of the River Nile at Nubian to indulge in its secrets and inhabitants' lives. She wanted to discover the traits of civilization that talked about itself in each house she visited and also every day life which made it to stand out with its distinguished characteristics. From Nubian Kingdom to Moses Castle in Lebanon where Omneya Mamdouh took us to tell us by camera the architectural story which was built up by dreams, memories and efforts of "Moses the Architect" to become the most famous tourists attractions in Lebanon as it shows the success, challenge and love over its walls and corners. In Journalism Section there were three winning magazines; -"Siera", a cultural magazine that believes in one of the most important features and means of asserting the Egyptian personality which is culture. The richness and diversity of Egyptian culture form the base for its elevation and development. "Siera" aims to put people's lives in different governorates under spot light and get acquainted to their customs, habits, jobs, achievements and problems. -Everyday Heroes: This magazine addresses the under privileged citizens who are born with deformity. They include 10 million persons. The main target of this magazine is to draw the attention to this innocent segment of the society and put their issues on the society's top priority. They actually proved themselves in the Paralympics Games in London last month. They usually excel in arts, sports, culture and vocational training also. It's an attempt to change the negative image held by mass media as they have different potentials. -Stand Out: It's a magazine by young people and addressing the youth and teens every where. In the upper high and middle class society young people stopped reading versus surfing the net. This magazine focused on dealing with the interests of the new generation, its issues, problems and woes in a sincere and real credible method. It likes to enhance its skills and potentials to get the most out of them. That enables them to interact positively in their community and society.